Success Stories

Romeo's Road Saves Pappy the Chihuahua

Stefani was notified that Tomoka Pines Veterinary Hospital had a Chihuahua with a badly infected foot and the owner could not afford the necessary care. The owner is a senior veteran that rides a motorized bike and has a little Chihuahua named Pappy that is his entire world.

Pappy developed a severe infection in his foot. The vet tried various treatments, but the foot was not healing as expected.

The best course of action was to amputate Pappy’s leg. The owner was only able to afford the vet office visit for that day. The vet office was willing to discount their services and use some of their small emergency fund, but it was not enough.

Romeo’s Road was contacted, and Stefani agreed that the owner and Pappy needed their help.

“If there is something Romeo’s Road could do to help it would be amazing. Little Pappy is all this Retired Veteran has in the world. It’s his reason to get up in the morning, leave his house and ride around Ormond Beach.”

Photos of the Beautiful Long Hair Chihuahua were submitted along with a description of the required surgery. They had already submitted the “Ask for Help” form on the Romeo’s Road Website and the request was approved.

A few days later, Stefani received a text along with a photo of Pappy in the arms of Doctor Kelly Long, DVM indicating that the Surgery went great, and they could never have done it without Romeo’s Road.Stefani had tears in her eyes reading that text. It was the first life that her foundation had saved, and Romeo’s Road will be here for the many more to come.